We are proud to announce that Sara-Jayne Terp — known for her ground-breaking work on the ontologies and taxonomies of disinformation — has joined the Centre for Epistemic Security as an advisor.

Sara-Jayne Terp has undertaken ground-breaking research in applying information security practices to defend against disinformation and other online harms, including extremism.
She has run large incident responses, set up response systems for election- and health-based cognitive security around the world, advise companies on disinformation risk management, and have built a body of research and tools for running and operating cognitive security operations centres, including the DISARM (formerly AMITT) frameworks for rapidly sharing disinformation data.
Sara-Jayne has taught cybersecurity and cognitive security at the University of Maryland and was a Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council. She was also involved in the development of an independent disinformation rating system with the Global Disinformation Index, served as the Chief Platform Architect for UN Global Pulse, and was an Adjunct Professor at Columbia University teaching Data Science for Development and Social Change among other courses.
She has master’s degrees in Artificial Intelligence, and Pattern Analysis and Neural Networks. Her technical background includes information fusion, crowdsourcing, unmanned systems (including human-machine teaming), data governance, nation-state development, and crisis response.
Check out this awesome profile of hers in Wired: One Data Scientist’s Quest to Quash Misinformation.